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The Little Edelweiss;or, An Immigrant's Fairytale

Splintered in Three - The Little EdelweissSplintered in Three - The Little Edelweiss
Date TIme
Saturday, Mar. 24 8:00 PM

Draft Dodger. Movie star romancer. Hilton bartender. 

The Little Edelweiss; or, An Immigrant's Fairytale chronicles Manfred, playwright Josh Inocéncio's bisexual Great-Uncle, from his upbringing in war-torn Austria to his mercurical life in the United States, and the imprint he left on the gay nephew he never met. True to the fairy tale form, this Eugene O'Neil semi-finalist captures both men in their pursuits of unapologetic pleasure, punctuated by a pantheon of ancestors as Fairies, immigration officials as Trolls, and FBI agents as Giants. 

The play, which takes place inside a cuckoo clock over the course of thirteen strikes, confronts what we choose to remember and how secret memories no one ever shared with us continue to survive in our bodies.