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The Amazing Acro-Cats Hootin' and Hollerin' in Houston!

Rock Cats Rescue presents The Amazing Acro-Cats!

This troupe of trained house cats, all former orphans, rescues, and strays, give a one-of-a-kind, 90 minute purrformance that includes cats riding skateboards, jumping through hoops, ringing bells, balancing on balls, and performing other feats of agility and acrobatics. The show finale is the only all-cat band in the world: Tuna and the Rock Cats! The Rock Cats play guitar, drums, and piano, and they've been joined by the Jazz Cats on saxophone, trumpet, and clarinet.Read more

Doubt, A Parable

The Garden Theatre

Doubt, A Parable

By John Patrick Shanley

Set against the backdrop of a 1960s America in the midst of political and social change, Doubt is the story of when a progressive young priest’s conduct comes under question by Sister Aloysius Beauvier, the school principal whose beliefs are deeply rooted in tradition. As the actions and motivations of each are scrutinized and suspicion mounts, the two are drawn into a battle of wills that threatens irrevocable consequences for all involved.

The Garden Theatre is honored to have Ann star, Nora Hahn, return to the stage as Sister Aloysius in this production. Ms. Hahn appeared in her star-making role of Governor Ann Richards in the one-woman show, Ann, produced by The Garden Theatre in February of 2024, as well as a brief stint of the same production in Columbus, TX in October of 2024. Ms. Hahn also appeared on The Garden Theatre stage as Clairee in Steel Magnolias and Gov. Ferguson/Cumie Barrow in Bonnie & Clyde, and has appeared on stages across Houston such as Stageworks, Theatre Southwest, and The Country Playhouse.Read more

Frozen Section

A post-apocalyptic comedy with a side of existential dread

 “Welcome to Tyler’s, where a stranger is just a friend waiting to happen.“

Come meet the idiosyncratic, delightfully panicked community who works and shops at Tyler’s, a grocery store at the edge of the world. The Baker knits in the breakroom, while the Butcher laments a time gone by. In the cold air pouring from an open freezer case, The Wife and Mother dreams of a life she failed to live. By the dumpster in the alley, the cashier communes with the coyote, vaping and laughing, baring bellies and swapping secrets. Tenderness resides here. 

Do you, dear theatergoer, currently find yourself disoriented, disassociated, confused as to where to find “reality?” Do you yearn for less screen time, better dreams, and a fresh head of lettuce plucked from the ground? Then these are your people, this is your theatre.

In Frozen Section, an intentional community of shoppers and workers reckons with the recent arrival of a trickster coyote and supports their youngest, Sage, as they prepare to move on to a new city, a new life.Read more

A Nice Indian Boy

A meet-cute at a temple sparks a romance between Naveen Gavaskar and Keshav—a Hindi-speaking, Bollywood-loving man who happens to be white. As their love story unfolds, the Gavaskar household must also brace itself for the return of Naveen’s older sister, Arundhathi. What follows is an uproarious journey as the family navigates duty, tradition, and self-discovery in their quest for happily-ever-afters. Madhuri Shekhar’s comedy offers a warm and witty portrayal of love and marriage in today’s Desi diaspora.Read more

Monologos de la Vagina

Monólogos de la Vagina es una obra episódica escrita por Eve Ensler, resultado de 200 entrevistas que realizó a mujeres de diferentes partes del mundo. Ensler lee el texto en el Westside Theatre fuera de Broadway después de una presentación limitada en HERE arts Center en 1996, y a partir de ese momento comienza una exitosa carrera que se ha presentado en diversos idiomas. La pieza está compuesta por 9 monólogos y 3 conversatorios, lecturas dramatizadas representadas por mujeres. La Vagina es el tema recurrente a lo largo de la pieza como herramienta de empoderamiento femenino y la máxima encarnación de la individualidad, a través del sexo, el amor, la violación, la menstruación, la mutilación, la masturbación, el parto, el orgasmo, la variedad de nombres para la vagina, o simplemente como un aspecto físico del cuerpo.

Nuestra versión, dirigida por Manuel Mendoza, es leída en ESPAÑOL por tres actrices y a lo largo de su puesta ha contado con mas de 50 artistas latinas consagradas y de gran prestigio, destacando en esta ocasión el talento y reconocida trayectoria de Fabiola Colmenares, Elba Escobar y Judith González.Read more

Graduación Teatro Insight: Luces, Diplomas y Acción

Red and Green Connections

Graduación Teatro Insight: Luces, Diplomas y Acción

Taller Experimental de Actuación Superior T.E.X.A.S - Escuela de teatro de Mirna C. González

Después de meses de preparación teatral con muchas horas dedicadas al autoconocimiento y la maestría personal a través de las artes escénicas, los estudiantes de T.E.X.A.S llegaron el descubrimiento de sí mismos y a la creación de personajes especiales que reflejan su esencia para dar su aporte a la sociedad con mensajes llenos de historias reales llenos de fantasía que llevarán al público a dimensiones creativas donde todo cobra vida y las reflexiones están por todos lados. Este es el enfoque especial de esta escuela de teatro, utilizar el escenario y el teatro para llegar a lo profundo de la esencia humana.Read more

The Bench

Russian Cultural Center "Our Texas"

The Bench

A. Panin and O. Demindova in famous Alexander Gelman's play

The Bench, by Alexander Gelman, is a production that makes you reflect on life, love, and human relationships—one that you'll want to watch again.

Actors Alexey Panin and Olga Demidova have formed a remarkable duo. Their performance is full of nuances, irony, and drama. This duo became a true celebration for the audience.

Gelman's play, written in the 1980s, has not lost its relevance. The themes of loneliness, the search for meaning in life, and human relationships continue to resonate with audiences. The performance is filled with subtle humor and deep drama. Laughter and tears alternate, keeping the audience engaged.Read more

Bajo Terapia (In Therapy) 

Gente de Teatro

Bajo Terapia (In Therapy) 

by Argentine playwright Matías Del Federico, directed by Marcela Salas

Bajo Terapia (In Therapy) is a hilarious and breathless comedy. This original game invites three couples to reveal their conflicts during an unconventional group therapy session. New questions ignite confessions, demands, truths, lies, and unexpected twists in this setting. This unique play explores the relationships of three couples through a humorous yet poignant lens, serving as the focal point of a group's unpredictable journey.  Read more


GV&A Productions LLC


es un monólogo musical escrito y protagonizado por la talentosa cantautora venezolana Judy Buendía, y dirigido por el célebre comediante venezolano Emilio Lovera.

Luego de múltiples SOLD OUT en diversos países, llega a HOUSTON el One Woman Show en español más ovacionado de todos los tiempos: MI EX FUE UN ERROR.

Escrito y protagonizado por la talentosa cantante y actriz venezolana Judy Buendía, bajo la dirección del célebre comediante venezolano Emilio Lovera.

Prepárate para una noche llena de energía donde Judy Buendía hace un despliegue de talentos de manera magistral. En un espectáculo explosivo, que mezcla el Stand Up Comedy, el teatro y la música pop, veremos a Judy cantar, bailar y hacerte morir de la risa caracterizando a sus ex-novios que son de distintos países de Latinoamérica. 

Cada historia, más delirante que la anterior, hará que no pares de reír desde el primer segundo… pero atención, porque cuando menos te lo esperes, ¡la trama dará un giro inesperado que te dejará reflexionando sobre el amor y las relaciones!

Este es EL SHOW que todos están comentando, que te hará vibrar, reír y emocionarte como nunca. No dejes pasar la oportunidad de disfrutar de esta tragicomedia única en su estilo.

Para mayores de edad 16+Read more

