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UH Goes to the MATCH

UH Goes to the MATCH - 2019UH Goes to the MATCH - 2019
Date TIme Note
Sunday, Mar. 3 5:00 PM Dress Rehearsal
Sunday, Mar. 3 7:30 PM

University of Houston School of Theatre & Dance

UH Goes to the MATCH

An evening of premiere works produced, choreographed, and danced entirely by UH School of Theatre & Dance students

UH Goes to the MATCH is a showcase that is produced, lit, choreographed, and performed solely by UH School of Theatre & Dance students, featuring premiere works by student choreographers. UH Goes to the MATCH gives budding choreographers an opportunity to explore their personal aesthetics while pushing their artistic boundaries in a professional setting. See the talent of today and the visionaries of the future.

UH Goes to the MATCH is a one-night only engagement. For more information, visit or contact Toni Valle at 713-409-2838.