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Jeremy Garcia


Jeremy García and Irma La Paloma - Solero Flamenco, as responsible exponents of Spanish and Flamenco arts, promote art, education, and culture in vibrant performances, learning opportunities, celebrations of diversity, and enjoyable offerings for audiences of all ages and origins.


Solero Flamenco, Houston, Texas (2009), is a recognized exponent of Spanish and Flamenco arts.  The company’s vibrant performances are synonymous of authenticity, passion, and skill.  In sonorous expression of traditional flamenco, the group unites professionals in the disciplines of song, guitar, dance and percussion under the direction of founding directors Irma La Paloma (Cante) and Jeremías García (Guitarra).  Solero Flamenco presents a colorful repertoire of traditional, contemporary and original works with artistic integrity and trademark passion.  

Solero Flamenco's original productions “Journey Through Spain” and “Passion of Spain" were presented by Candlelight Concerts by Fever (2021-2023) in Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Dallas, Chicago, and Detroit and received top ratings and commentary by audience members and media.  “Solero Flamenco’s wildly entertaining and immersive journey to Spain emanates an infectious energy throughout the entire 60-minute performance,” Annie Prafcke, The Austin Chronicle.

In May, 2023 Solero Flamenco artists were invited to perform at the Queen Sofía Spanish Institute Gala in presence of her Majesty Queen Sofía of Spain and guests.  “Your performance was a culminating part of the evening, for me, our guests and for her Majesty.” D. Delucca, QSSI.

Memorable flamenco, theatrical, and symphonic collaborations are part of Solero Flamenco’s artistic  trajectory.  Recent collaborations include the Museum of Fine Arts Houston, the Houston Grand Opera, La Casa de España en Houston, Guitar Houston International Concert Series, the Aga Khan Foundation, River Oaks Chamber Orchestra, Montana Symphony Orchestra, Lander Performing Arts, and innumerable others.  

Irma La Paloma and Jeremías García, Solero Flamenco, founded the Houston Spanish and Flamenco Festival (2011-2016), nonprofit collaboration with San Jacinto College and the Consulate General of Spain.  Central to the festival is the mission “to facilitate understanding and provide access to Spanish and Flamenco arts through educational opportunities, cultural exchange and vibrant performances.”  Community offerings included workshops in the disciplines of flamenco, castanets, exhibitions, interactive lectures and instruction by internationally acclaimed artists.  The festival garnered accolades from Mayor Annise Parker, Mayor Sylvester Turner, the Texas State Senate and House of Representatives and was awarded funding from Texas Humanities and the National Endowment for the Arts.

“We love this art and heritage and give our heart and soul in each performance.  We want audiences to enjoy flamenco in the tradition of live SONG, GUITAR and DANCE through the unique expression and skill of Solero Flamenco artists.”  

Past Events at MATCH

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