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OPEN CARRY: It's loaded

Next Iteration Theater Co - Open CarryNext Iteration Theater Co - Open Carry
Date TIme
Friday, Feb. 9 8:00 PM
Saturday, Feb. 10 8:00 PM

OPEN CARRY: It's loaded is a brand new, early draft script of a devised work that Next Iteration Core Ensemble began a year ago. With director, dianne k. webb, NICE worked intensively over the summer at the MATCH, then put the newly devised material into the hands of our writer, Rhett Martinez, and our composer, Garrick Gonzales. They spun their magic before it came back to the core company to further evolve until now.  

We are ready to bring it to a live audience as a staged reading so you, too, can engage with us as we further develop the spectacle.

Staged readings have always been a critical part of the evolution of new theatre, giving the writers, actors, and director critical insight from you, our audience.

We are thrilled to be bringing you our first devised work.
Join us for this quirky, absurdist romp into the world of OPEN CARRY: It's Loaded.

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