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RISE ABOVE: A Story of Hope.

TRUTH Project - RISE ABOVE: A Story of HopeTRUTH Project - RISE ABOVE: A Story of Hope
Date TIme
Saturday, Sep. 10 3:30 PM
Saturday, Sep. 10 7:30 PM

Established in 2011, The Telling Real Unapologetic Truth Through Healing (T.R.U.T.H.) Project, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization whose mission is focused on utilizing various art forms such as Spoken word, Song, Dance and Acting to empower the LGBTQ communities of color and its allies by addressing pertinent issues to support healthy lives.  Since its inception, The T.R.U.T.H. Project (TTP) has provided outreach, education, support and resources to more than 5,000 individuals, and has hosted a total of 14 programmatic installments. Four installments are held each year, and use the universal language of art to raise awareness and provide education about subjects including: Abuse, Discrimination, Bullying, HIV awareness, Coming Out, Self-Esteem and Our Lives Matter.

In a world where stigma and discrimination constantly tear them down, LGBTQ communities of color are in constant need of therapeutic and developmental programs and outlets to support and strengthen their resolve. To date, TTP has made great strides in its fight against stigma, shame and silence.

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