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Federico Garcia Lorca - A Portrait of a Poet

Flamenco Poets - Federico Garcia Lorca - A Portrait of a PoetFlamenco Poets - Federico Garcia Lorca - A Portrait of a Poet
Date TIme
Sunday, Feb. 10 3:30 PM

The lecture and film will pay tribute to Lorca, Spain’s most deeply revered poet, playwright and dramatist of the 20th century. 

Federico was born near Granada in 1898 and was deeply influenced by the rich heritage of the Moors and the gypsy culture of southern Spain’s Andalusia region. At the age of twenty-one, he moved to Madrid and became associated with the group of artists known as the Generation of ‘27 which included Salvador Dali, Luis Buñuel & poet Rafael Alberti. Lorca and the composer, Manuel de Falla organized the Fiesta del Cante Jondo in Granada in 1922. Lorca was arrested during the Spanish Civil War for being a dangerous intellectual and executed in Granada on August 19, 1936. His body was dumped into a mass grave, and afterwards, Lorca’s writings were outlawed and burned in Granada’s Plaza. 

Federico Garcia Lorca is the inspiration for our programs taking the power of the spoken word to share experiences of love, humanity, honor, death, and reminiscences.

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