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Friday, April 19 at 8:00 PM

Friday, April 19, 2024 - 20:00

by Sarah Kane, Directed by Jason Nodler & T Lavois Thiebaud


In her brief, boundary breaking career Sarah Kane’s work prompted the term “a theatre of extremes,” yet CLEANSED comes soaked through with hope. Explosively aching, hauntingly poetic, and disarmingly tender, Kane delivers a fever-dream fable of unimaginable brutality and miraculous beauty.

Given our country’s immediate threat to the bodies and lives of those of us who look, live, or love beyond the confines of conservative ‘norms,’ 26 years after it was written, CLEANSED feels nightmarishly prescient. More than a play, in 2024’s America, CLEANSED feels like a cause.

"Once you have perceived that life is very cruel, the only response is to live with as much humanity, humor and freedom as you can.” -Sarah KaneRead more

Presented by The Catastrophic Theatre


Ticket Price: YOU TELL US

We suggest $35. More if you have it. Less if you don't.
It’s not a gimmick, it’s not a trick question. We’re really serious about this.


The $35 suggested ticket price isn’t based on what it costs to make the show (which would make it much higher). And it isn’t based on the role we believe money should play in artistic endeavors (which would make it much lower). It is somewhere in between: a suggestion for those who have asked for one. If you really don’t know where to begin with choosing a ticket price, begin at $35.

“more if you have it...”

If you can afford to, please consider throwing in a little extra to help take care of those who can’t. The theatre experience is better for everyone when it is shared with a large and diverse community. You might even enjoy the show more knowing you helped make it possible for others.

“less if you don’t”

For some people $75 is a lot of money, for others $10 is. We are counting on you to let us know what’s right for you. If you’re a little short on cash, pay whatever you can afford and get us back the next time. And if you enjoy the show and want to drop something in the tip jar on your way out, please do. 

Catastrophic Theatre Ticket Policies & Information

Please Read Carefully


  • All tickets are general admission: Seating is first-come-first-served.
  • Pay-What-You-Can tickets are sold in increments of $5 from $0 to whatever you want to pay.
  • Each ticket is subject to a $3 fee at check out.
  • Wheelchair accessible seating is available.
  • All ticket sales are final: If you are unable to attend, we will gladly exchange your tickets for another performance or even another production. All exchanges are on a space-available basis.  To reach the box office, call (713) 521-4533 or email


  • Lobby and seating open 30 minutes prior to curtain time.
  • The runtime for this performance is TBD.
  • NO LATE SEATING: Please arrive at the theatre at least 15-30 minutes before the performance. Tickets that are not picked up 5 minutes before show time will be released to the waiting list. 
  • We will be unable to seat ticketholders once the performance has begun.  
  • No outside food or drinks are allowed on the premises. 
  • No one under the age of 16 will be permitted to this performance due to adult subject matter, violence and adult language.
Instance Note: 
Free Beer Fri!
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