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Events on Saturday, April 30, 2022

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Saturday, April 30 at 2:00 PM

2:00 PM

Written by William Shakespeare Directed by Sarah Sneesby

" By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes... " (Act 4, Scene 1 Macbeth ). Set in a re-imagined 11th Century Scotland right after an unsuccessful uprising against King Duncan, our titular character, Macbeth, finds herself in the company of three spirits who prophesy that she shall be King hereafter. Will she allow fate to take its course in its own due time, or will she act on the visions and force it into reality? A fictional retelling of historical events, Shakespeare’s Macbeth weaves a tale of witchcraft, regicide, and the punishment of death with no legacy.Read more

Saturday, April 30 at 2:00 PM

2:00 PM

By Jocelyn Bioh

School Girls; Or, the African Mean Girls Play is a contemporary play written by Jocelyn Bioh. The production focuses on Paulina, the reigning queen bee at Ghana’s most exclusive boarding school in 1986, who has her sights set on the Miss Global Universe pageant. But the arrival of Ericka, a new student with undeniable talent and beauty, captures the attention of the pageant recruiter—and Paulina’s hive-minded friends. This buoyant and biting comedy explores the universal similarities (and glaring differences) facing teenage girls across the globe.Read more

Saturday, April 30 at 4:30 PM

4:30 PM

Musiqa’s 20th Anniversary Double Feature presents works by the composers who have led Musiqa throughout the years, along with Musiqa Miniatures – a series of short pieces originally commissioned to celebrate our 10th anniversary – and the live premiere of Stars by Trevor Weston, a gorgeous new work celebrating the poetry of Robert Hayden, commissioned with support from Chamber Music America and featuring Musiqa resident artist Karol Bennett.Read more

Saturday, April 30 at 7:00 PM

7:00 PM
Basta de sentirte triste, poco atractiva porque tus curvas ya no son las mismas de cuando tenías 20 años. Llegó el momento de entregarte a tus años y abrazarlos completamente para sentirte perfecta tal y como eres: una mujer hermosa, valiente, inteligente, guerrera, llena de virtudes y por supuesto de defectos, como cualquier terrenal, con la diferencia, de que ahora estás consciente de ellos, los trabajas e intentas ser un mejor ser humano todos los días.

Y es que cuando las “tonas” nos entonamos, sabemos que todo es posible, solo que a veces nos hace falta ese empujoncito que nos lleva a reconciliarnos con nosotras mismas para entender que si nos equivocamos o no, estamos en el momento justo, en el tiempo perfecto, para rectificar y volver a intentarlo. “FelizmenteTonas”, el monólogo presentado por la periodista y empresaria colombiana, Lizzette Díaz, autora del libro “Felizmente 40tona”, quien después de cinco años de este lanzamiento, decidió enfrentar un nuevo reto, esta vez sobre las tablas, con este monólogo introspectivo, reflexivo, pero sobre todo, profundamente divertido.Read more

Saturday, April 30 at 7:30 PM

7:30 PM

Musiqa’s 20th Anniversary Double Feature presents works by the composers who have led Musiqa throughout the years, along with Musiqa Miniatures – a series of short pieces originally commissioned to celebrate our 10th anniversary – and the live premiere of Stars by Trevor Weston, a gorgeous new work celebrating the poetry of Robert Hayden, commissioned with support from Chamber Music America and featuring Musiqa resident artist Karol Bennett.Read more

Saturday, April 30 at 8:00 PM

8:00 PM

Written by William Shakespeare Directed by Sarah Sneesby

" By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes... " (Act 4, Scene 1 Macbeth ). Set in a re-imagined 11th Century Scotland right after an unsuccessful uprising against King Duncan, our titular character, Macbeth, finds herself in the company of three spirits who prophesy that she shall be King hereafter. Will she allow fate to take its course in its own due time, or will she act on the visions and force it into reality? A fictional retelling of historical events, Shakespeare’s Macbeth weaves a tale of witchcraft, regicide, and the punishment of death with no legacy.Read more

Saturday, April 30 at 8:00 PM

8:00 PM

By Jocelyn Bioh

School Girls; Or, the African Mean Girls Play is a contemporary play written by Jocelyn Bioh. The production focuses on Paulina, the reigning queen bee at Ghana’s most exclusive boarding school in 1986, who has her sights set on the Miss Global Universe pageant. But the arrival of Ericka, a new student with undeniable talent and beauty, captures the attention of the pageant recruiter—and Paulina’s hive-minded friends. This buoyant and biting comedy explores the universal similarities (and glaring differences) facing teenage girls across the globe.Read more